Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dreaming in nightmares

So, the title of this blog translates to I dream in French. Recently? Not so much. In fact, I'm not really dreaming at all. My sleep patterns have been extremely wacky lately. Most mornings I wake up feeling more tired than when I climbed into bed the night before, which is weird because I've always been a sleeper. It seems like every time I turn over I wake up now. What is with that? My parents used to joke that I could sleep through a freight train coming through the house (which never happened, by the way), but now even the sound of the thermostat clicking on is enough to wake me. People always mocked my ability to sleep "like a rock" and prophesied the days when I wouldn't be able to any more. I can't believe they cursed me like that! It seems like those days are upon me now, and I am so not liking it! AND instead of dreaming in French, I am having some seriously scary, bad-ass nightmares. Running so hard but not getting anywhere, my legs turn to jelly and I keep falling down, and then I fall over a cliff and my body jolts me awake! Seriously, if there are any dream interpreters out there, I would like to know what this means. It's frightening! I want my nice, comforting, Candy Land dreams back when I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start my day :) Maybe if I keep thinking it...

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